Who is Bani Sham Syrian Arabians? The Children of Syria They are the horses of greater Syria more specifically, they are those horses which traces in all lines of their pedigree to Arabian horses whose recorded origin lies exculusively within the greater Syria of the 18th, 19th, and 20th, centuries; they are Known Asil Arabians horses known by Bedouin tribes and Arabian Horse expert and Historians in Syria; and have known Rasan (strain and Substrains' which Arabian horses must meet these rigorous criteria. they are also those Arabian horses which trace exclusively to those horses registered by the Arabian Horse registry of America as having been imported from greater Syria by Homer davenport in 1906; the horses registered by the Arabian Horse registry of North America which were impoted from greater Syria by the Hamidie-Hippodrome Society in 1893, provided that a complete Rasan is known for each horse. the straight-Syrian foundation horses listed in the Syrian Arab Horse Stud book Vol.1 These are the horses that comprise bani Sham, that deserve that supreme honor of being called "Straight Syrian", and that reprsent the epitome of purity in the Arabian breed.
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